Quick loans are making life easy – here’s how
Quick loans make life easy when sudden expenses pop up. Thanks to technology, people can easily bridge the gap between their urgent needs and their available funds. Here are five ways loans have become faster than ever before.
1. Quick online process
Compared to traditional loans, online borrowing offers unparalleled speed. There’s no need to gather reams of paperwork, travel to a bank or wait in line. Digital lenders like Unifi have a fast, self-service application process that you can complete online in minutes for a quick loan.
2. No paperwork
Because most things about our life and finances are digitised these days, trusted online lenders can directly access the info they need online in order to process your application. For example, some online lenders can securely fetch a bank statement directly from your online banking. This means that you don’t need to download, print, scan and attach your proof of income.
3. Get an answer in minutes
With quick loans, everything happens online and the lender can automatically access and process your information. You can therefore expect to get your answer in minutes. This means a much faster loan than through traditional channels, where you may need to wait a couple of days to hear back from the bank.
4. Quick loans mean cash sent straight to your bank account
You may wonder why some online lenders ask for your bank details upfront. It’s because you can expect cash to hit your bank account as soon as you get a yes from the lender. Once you’ve completed your details, gotten approval and accepted the loan offer, with a reputable lender such as Unifi a cash payout will automatically be triggered.
5. Quick loans get quicker the next time you apply
The online lender should store your information once you’ve applied with them. So, the next time you apply, you won’t need to start your application from scratch. Most of your details have already been captured and you simply need to check that it’s still up to date. Returning Unifi customers get their loans in a couple of clicks!
When a financial emergency strikes, getting a quick loan is a no-brainer. Get the money you need, when you need it – now! – and find a stress-free solution to your bank balance blues.